Information Technology Literacy
The Information Technological Literacy program represents important technology-related concepts and skills. In 2019, the New Jersey Department of Education adopted a Computer Science State Plan. It’s first goal is to develop and adopt rigorous Computer Science standards in all grades, that provide a framework to equitable access to a coherent, robust K-12 Computer Science program for all students. In alignment with the NJDOE’s 5-year revision cycle, New Jersey Student Learning Standard (NJSLS) 8.1 Computer Science (previously a strand in 2014 Standard 8.2), and 8.2 Design Thinking (new name with increased emphasis on design thinking) are to be adopted in 2020. The rationale is that engaging students in human-centered approaches to design, design thinking, and computational thinking through the study of computer science and technology serves to prepare students to ethically produce and critically consume technology.
The design of this version of the 2020 NJSLS – Computer Science and Design Thinking (NJSLS-CSDT) is intended to:
- promote the development of curricula and learning experiences that reflect the vision and mission of computer science and design thinking
- foster greater coherence and appropriate progressions across grade bands
- prioritize the important ideas and core processes that are central to computing and have lasting value beyond the classroom
- reflect the habits of mind central to technology that lead to post-secondary success.
Many of the remaining “Literacies” found in the former 2014 Standard 8.1 have been moved into 2020 NJSLS 9.4 Career Readiness, Life Literacies and Key Skills.
Going forward, Voorhees Township School District will be integrating these standards into our curriculum, implementing related professional learning for staff, build capacity, partnerships and awareness, as well as establish a data-driven decision-making approach to achieve success.