The second revision of the district’s Educational Technology Plan also represented a three-year growth plan, largely based on the successes and failures the district had experienced during the implementation of its predecessor. The school district facilitated its evolution based on current and future needs, perceived at the time, requiring specific tools and strategies. The district established a committee comprised of teachers and administrators representing various populations within the educational community. The plan was created following a variety of data collecting activities during five strategic planning sessions.
The first phase of the planning process focused on information gathering activities, which included various educational technology presentations conducted by various educational technology consultants and district staff members. Reports from subcommittee field visitations of area school districts with acclaimed educational technology programs, an examination of the New Jersey State Educational Technology Plan, and a briefing regarding the initiatives proposed by the newly formed Camden County Educational Technology Committee (e.g., CamNet project) were included. Information was shared with the committee regarding new hardware and software products, online information networks and services, instructional and administrative practices, and global and societal implications of technology.
The second phase of the process involved a series of strategic visioning activities. Stakeholders were identified, with guiding values and principles defined. Local and global trends were scanned and forecasted, and both a vision and a mission statement were established.
Life cycles of our past and current technology initiatives were analyzed with data generated focusing on seven major areas. The action plan portion of the document included the following goals falling within these seven areas: 1) Staff Development; 2) Instruction; 3) Teacher Productivity; 4) Administration; 5) Community Access; 6) Infrastructure & Maintenance & 7) External Resources.