•  1991-1994

    During the winter of the 1990-91 school year, a committee of district administrators and teaching staff members were assembled to participate in a series of five strategic planning sessions with the intent to develop a comprehensive three-year district educational technology plan. With the cooperation and participation of an IBM consulting team, implementing the Joint Educational Technology (JET) planning strategy, the document was completed and implemented during the late spring.

    The district’s first Educational Technology Plan also documented the planning session methodology utilized. It provided the original technology mission statement and identified opportunities that were in existence in the district’s instructional program at the time of its development. The plan offered a consolidation of problems and issues that were to be addressed, listed the requirements, solutions and benefits of these consolidated issues, and outlined the district action plan in response to the preliminary activities noted above. The action plan included specific subtasks, persons responsible, time lines, and cost considerations for each of these six target areas:

    • Training
    • Instruction
    • Student Motivation
    • Organization/Access of Information
    • Communication
    • Time Management