Mrs. Love
8th Grade
Language Arts Literacy
Room B-4
To read is to empower
To empower is to write
To write is to influence
To Influence is to change
To change is to live.
~ Jane Evershed ~
Welcome to The Love Class!
It is my hope that my students have a successful last year at VMS! I'm so proud of their accomplishments so far!
In my class, students will read several exciting novels, master story elements, learn new vocabulary, utilize reading strategies, recognize figurative language, as well as enjoy poems and short stories. As you have learned the mechanics of writing an excellent document, you will get plenty of practice too.
Getting ready for High School is most important this year and students will engage in cooperative workgroups; improving collaborative skills, and gain new perspectives. Most importantly, my students will improve their critical & analytical skills as they polish their communication skills.
I hope to keep avid readers engaged and help reluctant readers hone their skills and begin to love reading a good book.
I am available to parents at any time, should you need me! I will get back to you in a timely fashion! Email tends to be faster during the day but you may call anytime.
Call me/leave a voicemail: 856-795-2025 ext. 75264
Homework Details: Please see my Google Classroom, for it is updated daily.