    Science Olympiad
    Try-outs will be held on Wednesday, September 25 in room E-6 until 4:05 pm.
    Science Olympiad is an academic team designed for those students who love science and would like to work with others to compete in both regional and state level competitions.
    The team is open to 7th and 8th grade students who are serious about science and are willing to work hard, put in time and be "team players".  
    Topics include biology, animals, physics, rocks and minerals, chemistry, food science, building and many more!
     The team is limited to 15 participants and 2 or 3 alternates, with priority given to students who are returning members. 
    Contact Ms. Tierney for any questions!  tierney@voorhees.k12.nj.us

    Links to Science Olympiad sites: http://soinc.org/  and http://www.njscienceolympiad.org/