- Students will write a research paper.
- Get the Research Paper Packet.
- The topic choice are:
- Good Person: Describe a "good person." Write an essay in which you illustrate what it means to be a "good person", either by identifying and explaining the qualities it takes to be a good person or by identifying someone you know who is one.
- Leadership: A leader is defined as a person who directs, commands or guides a group or activity. Think about someone you know who has proven to be a great leader, either in leading a country or team or organization. Write an essay about this leader, explaining the characteristics they have which would encourage people to follow them. Be as specific as possible in illustrating the attributes that this leader has exhibited which would lead others to respect, admire and follow them.
- News Hound: You're a reporter, and you've just landed the biggest story of your career. What happened? What makes your story so important? Write the news story that will win you a Pulitzer Prize for journalism and make you a household name.
- Hero Today: Who, if anyone, do you think is a hero today? How does he or she influence our lives for better or worse? Support your position with reasons and/or examples from the hero’s life.
- See the Research Paper Scoring Rubric.
- Use the Research Paper Tips.
- Read the sample research paper about Pete Rose.
- Read the sample research paper for Angelina Jolie.
- Correct the mistakes on this research paper: Alice Through the Looking Glass.
- Complete two nonfiction reading and writing assignments:
- Read the The Psychology of Spongebob Squarepants.
- Read about Paddling in Schools.
- We will complete the Literary Analysis unit. For the unit, we will watch High Noon, a classic Western starring Gary Cooper, and we will read "The Most Dangerous Game" by Richard Connell. From those two sources, students will write a compare and contrast essay of the two stories.
- For High Noon:
- Check out the American Film Institute list of 100 Greatest American Movies of All Time.
- Get the High Noon Study Guide.
- If you are out sick, watch the film at home. Here is the link if you have Amazon Prime: http://www.amazon.com/High-Noon-Gary-Cooper/dp/B0035JPUD0
- It doesn't appear to be on Netflix, unfortunately.
- I also found it on this site. I didn't download it; I viewed it on my iPad: https://vimeo.com/156370921
- Here are the times of the movie and the day:
- Tuesday 0:00-18:30
- Wednesday: 18:30-35:00
- Thursday: 35:00-59:30
- Friday: 59:30-the end
- Read the High Noon theme song lyrics.
- Read the High Noon Screenplay.
- Read the High Noon Film Analysis.
- For "The Most Dangerous Game".
- Read the short story "The Most Dangerous Game".
- Get the The Most Dangerous Game Study Guide.
- Use the Literary Analysis Packet to keep track of the stories and complete your prewriting for the essays.
- Students will have comprehension quizzes for the stories and a test grade for the essay.