We will complete the Literary Analysis unit. For the unit, we will watch High Noon, a classic Western starring Gary Cooper, and we will read "The Most Dangerous Game" by Richard Connell. From those two sources, students will write a compare and contrast essay of the two stories.
Use the Literary Analysis Packet to keep track of the stories and complete your prewriting for the essays.
We will study the lives of enslaved people of presidents from the book In the Shadowof Liberty by Kenneth C. Davis.
We will study how an original story is turned into a film.
We will look at how 12 Years a Slave was turned into a film by reading a chapter from Solomon Northrup's book and then watching that scene from the film.
Try creating your own storyboard for this scene from Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragonor this scene from an unmade Spiderman movie. This video gives great advice for different ways of making storyboards, even if you're not much of an artist. Watch from 2:00 minutes to 8:00 minutes.
Read about the background for Raiders of the Lost Ark: