• January

    The William Henry Harrison Memorial Cake William Henry Harrison Cupcakes

    My favorite president, William Henry Harrison. He died after thirty-two days in office.

    In January, students will:

    • Start learning about research  with a mini research project. Students will find interesting facts about a US president.
      • Students will learn good researching skills and what kind of websites to use.
      • Each student will make a short presentation about the president he or she picked and the president's interesting facts.
      • Students will create the presentation, which can be visual (a virtual board) or video.
      • Students will use the Presidents Research Project Handout.
    • Students will learn MLA format for researching. 
    • Students will write a research paper. 
      • The topic choice are: 
        1. Good Person: Describe a "good person." Write an essay in which you illustrate what it means to be a "good person", either by identifying and explaining the qualities it takes to be a good person or by identifying someone you know who is one.
        2. Leadership: A leader is defined as a person who directs, commands or guides a group or activity. Think about someone you know who has proven to be a great leader, either in leading a country or team or organization. Write an essay about this leader, explaining the characteristics they have which would encourage people to follow them. Be as specific as possible in illustrating the attributes that this leader has exhibited which would lead others to respect, admire and follow them.
        3. News Hound: You're a reporter, and you've just landed the biggest story of your career. What happened? What makes your story so important? Write the news story that will win you a Pulitzer Prize for journalism and make you a household name.
        4. Hero Today: Who, if anyone, do you think is a hero today? How does he or she influence our lives for better or worse? Support your position with reasons and/or examples from the hero’s life.
      • Get the Research Paper Packet.
      • Look at a sample research paper.
      • Be sure to check the Research Paper Tips.
      • See the Research Paper Scoring Rubric.