• Language Arts Class Information for Students

    Expectations for Students:

    I expect you to come prepared for class each and every day. This includes being ready with your Language Arts notebook/journal, pencil, and your iPad. This classroom will serve to be a safe space for sharing and learning. We will touch on various journal topics throughout the year, and it is important for us to be mindful and respectful of each other. We will work together as a class in order to ensure we have a wonderful school year! 


    Your grade will be calculated from a variety of assignments including homework assignments, small group assignments, grammar quizzes/tests, and multiple essays. 


    Homework Assignments may consist of, but are not limited to:

    Graphic organizers and planning sheets for essays (Narrative, Expository, Research and Argumentative)

    Working on journal responses at home if you do not finish in class

    Projects & poetry assignments (MP4)

    NoRedInk grammar assignments/grammar assignments

    Missing assignments that are incomplete 

    Homework is important in order to master and reinforce skills that are being taught in class each day. 


    If you are absent for a day or numerous days, all the activities we do in class will be posted on Google Classroom. Please check the “Absent” section of Google Classroom to see any work that you may have missed. Additionally, please check the calendar in the back of the classroom.


    It is extremely important that you stay organized in all of your classes. We will be taking “Interactive Journal Notebook” notes every week. This will count as a grade. It is very important that all of your notes are organized, so you can use them to study for tests and quizzes. Please make sure to complete all slides on time. 

    Extra Help:

    Extra help is offered at lunch on Day 1, 2, and 4. Students may come for extra help with any assignment or journal. If a student would like to stay after school for extra help, parent permission is needed. I can be contacted at panchal@voorhees.k12.nj.us