• VMS Boys Soccer- TEAM RULES & INFO
    Coach Morales & Coach Miracola

    (Players should share this information with their parents and invite them to attend all games.) 

    1. Team members are expected to be good students and citizens in school and in the community. Disciplinary problems at home or in school, detentions or poor grades will result in a loss of playing time and possible removal from the team.
    2. Team members are expected to attend all scheduled practices and games. Practices end at 4:15 and players may ride the late bus home. Players will need their own transportation from VMS after home and away games. After away games, parents may take their own children and friends home directly from away sites. Students who return to VMS on the team bus must be picked up from school immediately following the game.  Students left repeatedly in the VMS parking lot without rides may be asked to leave the team due to safety concerns. Most practices will run until 4:15 and require parent pick-up or late bus. Setting up team carpools is very helpful. Parent’s notes are necessary to excuse absences from practice or games that result from doctor’s appointment, religious school, etc. School related extracurricular activities such as music practice, seeking extra help, student council, etc. are excused absences with prior verbal notice to coach or with a note passed by a teammate. Detentions and absences without parent notes are not excused absences and will result in a one game suspension from each unexcused absence. 
    3. Playing on VMS Sports’ teams is a privilege.
    4. Players should show proper sportsmanship at all times. Cursing, fighting, equipment abuse, temper tantrums, "trash talking," poor behavior on the bus or bench, or arguing with a coach, player, or referee may result in suspension or removal from the team.
    5. All players should be dressed and equipped appropriately for all games and practices. Players will be given a uniform that must be kept clean and in good condition for return after the season. Players must have white soccer socks, shin guards and cleats to play in games. Players are encouraged to bring healthy snacks and water or sports drinks to all games.