"Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn." ~Benjamin Franklin
Welcome to Mrs. LaBella's Class!
Reading, Language Arts, Math, Social Studies (ICS) for the 2023-2024 school year!
Nothing is IMPOSSIBLE, the word itself says "I'M POSSIBLE"!
Dear 6th Grade Parents/Guardians:
WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL! I anticipate a rewarding year working with you here at VMS! This letter is to inform you of the expected learning environment. Teaching will focus on the NJ Student Learning Standards so students will feel more confident within their learning. As a school, we continue to focus on inspiring, engaging and innovating in a positive learning environment. I would like to familiarize you with some of the procedures that will be followed in my class this year.
Classroom rules:
- RESPECT – This classroom is based on respect. Learning can only occur when respect abounds; therefore, it is expected.
- TALKING – Talking without permission is neither acceptable nor conducive to the learning process. If you have something to say which will contribute to the class, raise your hand, and you will be given the opportunity to speak.
- CLASS PREPARATION – Students are expected to come to class prepared with all class-related materials. This includes a mask (if you choose), IPAD, earbuds, silent reading novel, pencils, red pen, highlighter, binder, composition book, assignments, and a good attitude!
- ASSIGNMENTS –Assignments are given to enrich instruction. I do not give unnecessarily difficult or long assignments; therefore, I expect them to be turned in on time.
- SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS – Upon occasion, it will be necessary for a substitute teacher to be in the classroom. This person is to be treated with all respect due to any teacher or teacher aide in this school. An unfavorable report from a substitute will not be ignored.
Consequences for infractions of the classroom rules:
- Verbal warning
- Parent contact
- Teacher detention
- Write-up
Incentive System Rewards: You can earn "LaBella Bucks" by having a positive attitude, staying on task, following directions, participating, helping out a classmate, being respectful, completing your homework and more!
*You will “cash in” your weekly money on Wednesdays & Fridays to earn your choice of:
- A special treat $20
- Tech time or HW Pass $30
***If your Reading and/or LAL grade improves a letter grade each marking period, you choose your reward***
A 92+ √++ 100
B 91-83 √+ 90
C 82-74 √ 85
D 73-65 √- 75
F 64-0 √-- 65Grading Procedures:
Supportive 10%- HW, Guided Practice, Word checks, Center work, IXL,
Secondary 40%- Quizzes, Skills Practice, Minor Writing Responses, Journal Entries, Small Projects, Current Events, IReady
Primary 50%- Essays, Unit Assessments, Benchmarks, Tests, Major Projects
I am looking forward to a rewarding and exciting year☺ If you have any questions and or concerns at any time, please feel free to contact me at labella@voorhees.k12.nj.us. I will respond to your message as soon as possible.