Physical Education Folder
Each Physical Education student at Voorhees Middle School will have a section in their Ipad for Physical Education. Ten percent of a students grade is based on their PE folder completion.
Here is a list of the supplies:
1. PLAIN white or light gray T-Shirt with 3" block lettering (first name, last initial on the front and back with permanent black marker)
2. Athletic shorts or sweat pants with elastic waist.
3. Athletic sneakers with a secure fit and athletic sock.4. $6.00 in the form of a check made out to Voorhees Middle School or exact change for a physical education lock.
Parents can help students to stay organized. Make sure your child has all neccessary forms and study guides in their PE folders in their ipad. Students will be instructed on how to use their ipads for Physical Education.
PE Folder Contents includes many valuable charts and information pages including forms for self evaluation and goal setting.