Website Resources
Templates for Games.
http://teach.fcps.net/trt10/PowerPoint.htm - templates for Jeopardy! and others
www.mrsperkins.com/dolch.htm - A teacher's website - has a handy list and flashcard templates for dolch words - you can easily click on Word or PDF format for the list and the flashcards.
Games for Skill Practice for All Ages (Reading, Math, Science, Social Studies)
http://www.rochesterforkids.com/ - for K-8 - scroll down for subject-based boxes of links: Math Links, Reading Links, Science Linds and Other Links.
http://www.internet4classrooms.com/ - for K-8 - topic and standards-based activities - just realize that the cpis are from Tennessee, not New Jersey.
http://www.harcourtschool.com/activity/basketball/index_pre.html - practice for recognition of common nouns versus proper nouns.http://www.learningplanet.com/ although a membership is required for some resources many are free. For grades K-7+ - at the top you can choose activites based on grade level, subject area or category.
http://www.echalk.co.uk/preview.asp - games for critical thinking - some are free, some you can not access without subscribing.
Math Practicehttp://www.coolmath4kids.com/ - there are lessons, math dictionaries and games to reinforce particular skills as well as tips for "Success in Math".
www.abc.net.au/countusin/default.htm- Mostly for Gr. K-1 - click on Games on the left a list of the games and their objectives appear click on the game to start. I liked games 3 and 13 the best.
Games Specifically Geared toward younger students (Preschool-2nd Grade)
www.roythezebra.com games (click on the items on the tree in the middle of the screen - "Interactive Reading Games") for lower level writing skills: punctuation, capitalization, alphabet order, words that rhyme and sentences that make sense.http://www2.lhric.org/pocantico/taverna/taverna.htm - A 2nd Grade Teachers website under her projects she has several activities (some of which her students created) for math problems, subject area links and so forth)www.starfall.com for reading up to Grade 2 - If you click on "I'm Reading", the student can read books on the screen and click on words that they don't know (it will read it to them). This section has mostly folktales and fables.
http://www.dltk-teach.com/ - alphabet activities, colors, nursery rhymes, shapes.www.crayola.com - can print out coloring pages with simple activities. You can also color on the screen with a marker of which you choose the width of the tip.Author-Specific Websites
Social Studies websites
www.animatedatlas.com/movie - interactive map of the US with oral presentation with visuals on the history of the US. Move the arrow at the bottom and see the changes on the map based on when each state entered the union and click on a state and brief information is presented about that state.
**Thanks to Eileen Adams from Kresson and Celines Medina from Hamilton who provided the names of websites for us to explore.