Occupational Therapy ResourcesFor specific questions about your child's therapy needs, please contact your child's occupational therapist via email.
- Kirsten Ware - Signal Hill, Hamilton => warek@voorhees.k12.nj.us
- Brooke Yarnal - Kresson, Osage => yarnal@voorhees.k12.nj.us
- Mika Doner- Preschool, VMS => doner@voorhees.k12.nj.us
Classroom ResourcesParent ResourcesFunctional SkillsTouch Typing Resources
- Article about Keyboarding Skills at the Elementary Level
- Dance Mat Typing (A fun website to practice 2-handed typing)
- Free Typing Games - Games that encourage keyboarding skills
- Two-handed Touch Typing Practice
- Therapy Ball Cards
- Sensory Processing Disorder Website (Ideas, Definitions, Checklists)
Fine Motor / Visual Motor- Fine Motor Activities for Preschoolers - an article
- Visual Motor and Visual Perceptual Activity Ideas
- Free Printable Activities for Young Children
Visual Processing (Visual Perception, Eye Teaming, Tracking)
Gross Motor
Oral Motor