2024 - 2025 Assessment Schedule - updated: February 2025
Newly available this year for NJSLA is the Digital Item Library, which provides access to released items from the NJSLA ELA and mathematics assessments. Tools available in the library can help search for specific items, or sort items by Evidence Statements or standards. The items are displayed online and allow for users to view and interact with the items in the exact same manner as student test-takers. Additional released items will continue to be added as they become available. Us the link below to access this tool.https://nj.digitalitemlibrary.com/home
Another new addition to score reporting for the 2019 ELA and mathematics results is an online portal for parents/guardians. The online portal will include the student’s scale score, quick access to resources that fit your student’s needs, and a video score report. The portal will also allow for parents to track their student’s scores from year to year, beginning with Spring 2019. To access the online portal, you must create an account using the unique claim code that is located on your student’s paper Individual Student Report.
The video score report that will be available through the online portal communicates information from the ISR through animations and a voiceover in New Jersey’s top five languages: English, Spanish, Chinese, Portuguese, and Arabic. You will be able to access the New Jersey parent portal in early October 2019