•     Classroom Rules

      We will show RESPECT to others, ourselves, and our classroom by:

    1.  Speaking appropriately
    • Raising our hand to speak
    • Remaining quiet while others are speaking
    • Only speak nicely to/about others
    • Using an inside voice 
    1.  Following directions the first time they are given
    • Sit properly in our chair
    • Keep our hands to ourself 
    • Keep the classroom neat.
    1.  Always try to smile and have fun


    Technology Pledge

    Using the computer correctly and responsibly is very important. If I want to use the schools computer equipment I need to act as a safe, secure, and responsible cyber citizen. The key word to remember is RESPECT!

    The following are some basic expectations for my online behavior:

    I promise to respect the rights of others.

    Passwords are not to be shared with anyone but the teacher.

    No user is to try to discover another users password.

    No student user is permitted to access another users private files.

    No user is to create, view or forward offensive or disruptive sounds, text or images.

    Treat others online as you would like to be treated.

    I promise to respect the technology.

    Never do anything to damage the equipment on purpose.

    Never try things that you are not trained or permitted to do.

    I promise to respect the law.

    Do not copy work and call it your own.

    Always give proper credit to the author for words and images included in your work.

    Do not spread viruses or knowingly disrupt the online environment.

    I promise to respect the purpose of school technology.

    Non-educational games and personal use are not allowed on school equipment.

    All work stored on school equipment belongs to the school and may be accessed by school personnel.

    I understand that using school equipment is a privilege not a right. This privilege can be taken away if I do not act respectably and responsibly online. If I violate any school or district rules or break the pledge I will lose my technology and Internet privileges. I might also face disciplinary and/or legal actions.



      Homework is an important part of your child's learning experience.  Homework is meant to reinforce the skills that are learned during the school day, and any support given at home will only increase your child's knowledge.  It is given on a nightly basis and is expected to be handed in on time.  Assignments that are not returned to school on time will have to be completed during recess. 


     Spelling and Grammar tests are given weekly.  Students will be working on the tested skills during the week before the tests on Friday.  Students should be studying their spelling words and the grammar skill throughout the week at home. 

          Notice of Reading, Math, Science, and Social Studies tests and quizzes will be given approximately one week in advance.  This should provide the students ample time to review the skills and knowledge learned.

        A weekly test folder will be sent home every Friday.  Please review the tests with your child,  sign the top page of the stapled tests to verify that you have seen the tests, and return the tests and folders by Monday


        We love to celebrate birthdays!  Small, non-food items can be sent in to be handed out at the end of the day. If you have a birthday during the summer, why  not celebrate your "Half Birthday" with your classmates! 
