Our class is using ClassDojo!
Hi parents,
This year I'm using ClassDojo to encourage important skills, like working hard and participating. I'll also use it to communicate with you: we can instantly share messages, updates, and photos from class. It's the easiest way for you to see how your child is doing
at school and to get in touch with me.I'd like all families to join me and sign up for ClassDojo! You can use it on any device: it is a simple, free mobile app for IOS
Android, and can also be used from a computer at: www.classdojo.comYou will be invited via email to ClassDojo. To join simply enter the code shown and your in! Our class goal is for every family join us to earn rewards! Feel free to ask me any questions.
Thank you so much!Learn more about ClassDojo!
Used by teachers in 1 in every 2 schools, ClassDojo is the most popular classroom management app in the U.S.
Find out more about why we're excited to use ClassDojo, and how it is safe and simple for everyone:
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