    Who Is Mr. Petitdemange 
    Family Background:  I have two beautiful and amazing daughters.
    *Claire (13) is a 7th grade student at Voorhees Middle School. 
    *Emily (19) is a Sophomore in college.
    *Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education K-8 from Rowan College.
    *Bachelor's Degree in Communications from Rowan College. 
    *Master's Degree in School Administration from Rowan University. 
    *Principal's Certificate from Rowan University.  
    *Supervisor's Certificate from Rowan University.
    Teaching Experience:
    *Osage Elementary School:  Basic Skills Teacher 2018...
    *Osage Elementary School:  2nd grade teacher for twelve years.
    *Osage Elementary School:  5th grade teacher for 9 years.