Classroom News
Listed below are various topics that you or your child may have questions about.
Please feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience if you have any further questions.
If your child will be absent from school, please send me an email, text me through Class Dojo, or call me at school in the morning (428-2990 x 74102). Students are responsible for completing work missed during absences. Students will be held responsible to take any tests and/or quizzes they may have missed due to absences.
**Tests and Test Folders**
All tests and quizzes will be sent home in your child's test folder as we complete them. Test folders will always be sent home on Friday's for your review.
**Marking Periods**
Listed below are the dates in which each marking period ends as well as when the grades will be available on the Parent Portal for review.
1st Marking Period ends: November 14, 2023
1st Marking Period report card posted on Parent Portal: November 21, 2023
2nd Marking Period ends: January 31, 2024
2nd Marking Period report card posted on Parent Portal: February 5, 2024
3rd Marking Period ends: April 15, 2024
3rd Marking Period report card posted on Parent Portal: April 24, 2024
4th Marking Period ends: June 2024
4th Marking Period report card posted on Parent Portal: Last Day of School
**Text Books**
Your child will be responsible for several textbooks/consumables throughout the school year. Please try to keep all textbooks/consumables in good condition. Any school property that is lost or broken due to negligence will have to be paid for at the end of the year.
**Room Parents**
Any parent that would like to offer their help is GREATLY APPRECIATED. However, I only need one head room parent to take charge of the parent volunteers and serve as my contact point, to schedule help and spread information. The OPF requires that room parents remain members in good standing of the OPF.
**Lucky Book Club Orders**
Each month, I will distribute Lucky Book Club order forms. If you would like to place an order, please make checks payable to Scholastic Reading Club. Unfortunately, I can not accept cash for these orders. You can also place your Lucky Book Club orders online. Please visit the following website link Type in our class username and password and with a click of a button, you can place your order online. Our class activation code is: J6YVB