Frequently Asked Questions for Mrs. Smith'sThird Grade Class, Room #102What is the homework policy for third grade?Homework is an essential part of the 3rd grade curriculum because it is a way of reinforcing what was taught throughout the school day. Homework is typically assigned Monday-Thursday and should take at least 30 to 40 minutes. Part of the homework period should be dedicated to reviewing basic math facts in addition to studying/reviewing for upcoming assessments. If your child is taking a lot longer than this to complete the given homework assignments, please contact me immediately so we can evaluate the problem.
- Homework is 10% of the marking period grade.
- Each day the students are responsible to copy their homework into their planners. Every day, I check to ensure that each student correctly copies the homework assignments in their planner. I will stamp each child's planner to confirm that what they have written down is correct. Parents/Guardians should sign or initial the planner after the homework is completed each night. Please feel free to use your child's planner as a communication log or to write any notes/important information to me.
How will I know my child's progress?
You may contact me at any time to discuss your child's progress. I can be reached by e-mail at smithm@voorhees.k12.nj.usor at 856-428-2990 ext. 74102. There will also be scheduled Parent Teacher Conferences in the fall in which we can discuss your child's progress thus far. Your child will receive a report card four times a year.When will I receive my child's graded tests/quizzes?
What should I do if my child is sick and will not be attending school?What if my child will be out of school because of a family trip/vacation?Please let me know as soon as possible when you know the dates your child will be out of school so that I can prepare the work he/she will be missing.I need to change my child's dismissal for the day, what should I do?Please send me an email, message me on Class Dojo, write me a note, or leave me a voice mail and let me know how your child will be going home. If you need to change your child's dismissal throughout the day the best way to let me know is through e-mail or Class Dojo. Please try to call or message before 2:00 PM.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions!(856) 428-2990 ext. 74102 - Homework is 10% of the marking period grade.