Voorhees Township Public Schools Construction Projects
Kresson Media Center Project
Click link below for a video of the NEW Kresson Media Center
Osage Media Center Outdoor Classroom
In recognition of Library/Media Specialist Appreciation Day, maintenance installed one of the two bench-planters built by Mr Basil Blair of the Voorhees Maintenance Department!!
From Left: Mr. Cranmer, Principal, Caitlin Peluszak, Library/Media Specialist,
Basil Blair, Maintenance Mechanic, and Fern Martinez, Building Foreman
Renovated Osage Elementary Media Center:
Newly Constructed Classroom at Kresson Elementary School - Early Childhood Center:
Outdoor Classroom at Osage
Newly Installed Floors and Lockers at Voorhees Middle School
Renovated Signal Hill Elementary School Media Center:
Voorhees Middle School Theater Lighting Project: