

Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Ashley McMichael

Hello, Fantastic Fourth Graders!!!

Welcome to fourth grade! My name is Ms. McMichael; your fourth grade teacher at Osage School. I am very excited to introduce myself to you since we will be spending so much time together over the next year! I hope you are having a wonderful summer filled with lots of exciting things! I wonder...did you visit anywhere special? I wonder if you read any great books. Did you go to the beach? I did! What do you wonder about fourth grade? We will chat soon!

 Throughout the year, we will strengthen and expand our skills as readers, writers, scientists, historians, and mathematicians.  We will read, discuss, and write about fun and interesting new topics to refine and improve our literacy skills. We will also learn about the history and geography of New Jersey, as well as learn all about motion, speed, force, and super awesome new writing skills! (Writing is my favorite...I think you will learn to love it!)

 As you can tell, I am thrilled to be your fourth grade teacher. I hope you are as ready as I am because you are about to have a very fun year. Who knows… maybe you will even learn a ballet step or two from me. I have so many cool things to share with you. I wonder what you can teach me? What awesome facts do you know? Do you have any special talents? I cannot wait for you to share with me and the whole class!

 Are you ready for your first homework assignment? Don’t worry! It is a fun one! On the first day of school, I would love it if you could bring in a picture or a small object from a special memory you have from this summer. Did you visit a friend? I would love to see a picture! Did you make something really great that you just have to share? Bring in it! We will all share our special moments with each other while we get to know each other and create our fourth grade “family” in our classroom! Feel free to email me at to introduce yourself!


I will see you in room 107 very soon!

 Have a fantastic rest of your summer,

 Ms. McMichael


Ms. McMichael's Favorites.....

Color: Purple

Animals: Bengal Tiger & Blue Whale

Sports Team: Phillies

Activity: Ballet

Season: Spring

Singers: Jewel & Taylor Swift

Subject: Writing

Candy: Reese's Peanut Butter Cups

Authors: Patricia Polacco, Judy Blume, Roald Dahl