Absences & Lateness
When a child is absent or late for any reason, a parent or guardian should call the child's school. Calls may be made, either the night before, or before school begins on the morning of the absence, to the nurse's number. An answering machine will record your message 24 hours/day.This phone call does not replace the required note written to the child's teacher upon his/her return.
If a child has been absent due to a communicable disease, please consult district guidelines concerning the child's return to school.
While a telephone call from the home on the day of the absence is appreciated, it does not replace the required written note to the child's teacher upon his or her return to school.
There is a strong relationship between attendance and academic achievement. Our students' attendance is their parents' or guardians' responsibility.
Families are encouraged to take vacation in the summer or during school breaks. Authentic learning experiences of the school day cannot be replaced by alternative reading or writing assignments.
Chronic Absence - If an absence continues unexplained for more than three consecutive days, the principal will notify the parent/guardian. If an absence continues for more than seven consecutive days with no contact from the parent/guardian, the student will be considered to be a potential missing child. The principal will report this to the authorities.
Chronic absences totaling more than 20 days, may be considered unsatisfactory and cause for further investigation, possibly resulting in student retention.Lateness - If a child is late for school, he or she must bring a parent's note explaining the lateness.