VIRTUAL BACKPACK SUBMISSION GUIDELINESAs part of our Board of Education Paperless initiative, the Voorhees Township Public Schools will post information to the website via our virtual backpack and e-mail flyers in accordance with Board of Education Policy 9700.This policy can be viewed at Special Interest Groups Policy
Please allow ten business days in advance of the desired posting date for this request to be processed.
The completed District-Wide Request Form and PDF flyer should be emailed to Susan Donnelly, Supervisor of Special Projects at donnelly@voorhees.k12.nj.us
The request will be reviewed by the superintendent. Once the application is approved, the applicant will be notified by email.
Approved information will be posted to the Community Information page of the virtual backpack on the district website and will be sent in a school or district-wide e-mail depending upon the audience. The distribution of of the Virtual Backpack by e-mail is scheduled "as needed" and determined by each school and district administration.
Do not contact the schools unless authorized to do so by the Superintendents office. Information will not be posted or distributed unless the above procedure is followed. This procedure maintains the integrity of the Board of Education approved policy.The information posted to the community information page of our virtual backpack or e-mailed to our parents is done as a courtesy to our neighbors at the discretion of the superintendent.