Welcome to First Grade
Dear Parents/Guardians,
I am so glad to begin a new school year and can’t wait to work with you and your child. Below is information about first grade that will be helpful to know in order to make this a successful school year. It is going to be a fantastic year!
Mrs. Dougherty
Supply List for school/home
1 box of crayons 1 large box of tissues
1 marble hard cover notebook 1 box of Ticonderoga pencils
3 large glue sticks 1 large eraser
Lysol wipes 1 plastic pencil box
1 set of earphones (Not Earbuds) 1 pair of safety scissors
1 bottle of hand soap 2 dry erase markers
*Please make sure all supplies are out of their packaging and pencils are sharpened.
First Grade Schedule
9:00-9:15 Arrival, Morning Work
9:30-10:30 Reading
10:30-11:30 Small Groups
11:30-12:10 Lunch/Recess
12:10-1:10 Math
1:10-1:35 Spanish
1:35-2:20 Special Area
2:20-3:05 Science/Social Studies
3:05-3:15 Pack Up
3:20 Dismissal
Homework Folder
The Homework folder will be sent home with your child every day that they attend school. It will have homework along with important information. Please make sure that you empty each each day.
Health and Safety
When your child is absent, message us on DoJo or send an email the following day explaining why your child was not present at school. If you know ahead of time that your child will be absent, please let us know so we can have their work ready for them.
Looking forward to a GREAT year! 😊