General Information
Blue: Take Home completed work and notices
Yellow: "Keep In Desk" - ongoing projects and unfinished work
Red: Homework homework and test calendar
We will celebrate a new student every 7 days. Parents please assist your child in completing a VIP poster and the All About Me booklet. Each child will share their poster and packet on the last day of their VIP.
We will save papers in a folder on your childs desk. Please go over the papers with your child. Help your child with directions and new concepts.
The district policy on homework for second graders is 20 minutes a night. Homework will be assigned four times each week (MondayThursday). Your homework routine should include the worksheets sent home that night, study spelling words, study math facts, study reading vocabulary words and read for any of the remaining time. Worksheets will review important skills learned in class. Guide your child, but encourage him/her to work independently. Homework should be neat and returned on time. If your child forgets his/her homework they have one night to make it up. On the second day, they will lose recess and do the work during that time. Please help your child realize the importance of taking responsibility for homework assignments.
Grading is based on an ABC system. The grading scale is as follows:
A+ = 100-98 C+ = 82-80 F = 64 & below
A = 97-95 C = 79-77 I = Incomplete
A- = 94-92 C- = 76-74
B+ = 91=89 D+ = 73-71
B = 88-86 D = 70-68
B- = 85-83 D- = 67-65
Please be sure to review your childs daily papers in the BLUE and RED folders. Clean out the BLUE folder (mail and corrected papers) daily.
Visit the district website to read about our new system.
Your child will be given a spelling test each week. He/she will receive a list of spelling words at the beginning of a new story. They are also posted on the class website.
If you havent already done so, please send in two large boxes of tissues to be used by the class during the Cold and Sniffle season.
About every other month I will send home an order form to purchase inexpensive childrens literature for your child. This activity is optional. However, if you choose to participate, please return the order form with a CHECK made payable to the book club, not the teacher. Please put both items in a sealed envelope with your childs name on the outside of the envelope. PLEASE DO NOT SEND CASH.
I feel that open communication between parents and teachers provides the opportunity to work together for the benefit and success of your child. If you have any questions, please dont hesitate to send a note, email
or call school. My phone # is 856-424-1816 ext. 2106. My email address isGREAT BEHAVIOR REWARDS
Students will be rewarded for good classroom behavior. Each child will have a personalized behavior chart that will be utilized to erecord both appropriate and inappropriate behaviors. The children will receive a sticker on his/her chart for following all of the rules on a daily basis. If he/she did not follow the rules, he/she will not receive a sticker for that day. The following describes the rewards that will be given:
* Perfect chart = homework pass and 2 tickets
* 1 sticker missing = 2 tickets
* 2 stickers missing = 1 ticket
* more than 2 stickers missing = discussion
with parents (how can the student improve
his/her behavior). You will receive a slip to
sign and return to school after your discussion
with your child.
It is extremely important to recognize, reinforce and reward students who are really trying their best. It is also important that students who are not working to their fullest potential be reminded of the importance of following rules and taking on responsibilities within the classroom environment. Thank you for your help and cooperation!!