• School Bus

    Transportation Information

    In the event that your child's bus is very late, the following information can be used in order to contact the bus company directly.  The school will send a mass email for communication if any buses leave after 4:00 PM.  We apologize for any delays or inconveniences this may cause. 

    First Student/Laidlaw Transit, Inc. / Berlin Depot
    Phone number: 
    (856) 753-0222 / (856) 753-0404
    K31    K34    K38    O48    KK1    KK2

    First Student/Laidlaw Transit, Inc. / Lawnside Depot
    Phone number:
    (856) 546-8131

    Hillman’s Bus Service, Inc.
    Phone number: (856) 753-1123
    K35   K29   K30

    Our district transportation department can be reached at the following number:
    (856) 751-8446 Extension 6124

    If you have a bus concern, please try calling the Kresson main office at 856-424-1816.  If you cannot reach anyone, please refer to this information to reach the bus company.  Thank you.


    Bus Procedures:

    1. Transportation information is available on the Genesis Parent Portal.  It is suggested that your child arrive at least ten minutes prior to their scheduled bus stop pick up time.
    2. Please expect bus delays during the first two weeks of school this year.  It takes a few days for the bus routes to be refined and to run efficiently.  An email will be sent in the afternoon if a bus is extremely late.  It is more challenging to send an email in the morning, given the school usually finds out about bus delays from parents. The office will send an email in the morning if we are notified by parents or the bus company.


    1. The school will begin accepting students at 8:45am.  Temperature checks will occur as students arrive at our locations.  The main office and gym entrances are locations where temperature cameras have been placed for temperature checks.  Other staff on duty also have handheld devices to check temperatures.
    2. In the past, students were lined up inside in the Gym and All Purpose Room upon arrival to school.  Given the current conditions, all students will go directly to their homeroom upon arrival, and homeroom teachers are there for morning duty.  Specialists will help in the hallways during the first few weeks of school.  
    3. Designated entrances:  Buses/Walkers - front entrance.   Carline - Gym entrance.   Kindergarten - front entrance.  
    4. The kindergarten bus will drop off students at the front entrance. The kindergarten teachers and instructional associate(s) will receive kindergarten students from the bus.  
    5. Temperature checks will occur for all students in grades K - 5.  


    1. Students will need to adhere to the bus seating district requirements.  
    2. These seating charts can be modified in the afternoon, if possible, to allow for less cross traffic in the aisle.
    3. The goal is for students to use sanitation or wash hands before leaving school.
    4. Students will stay in their classrooms until buses arrive.  Late bus arrival will be announced on the public address system if needed.  Expect bus delays the first few days of school.    
    5. Any changes in dismissal procedures will be communicated to parents in advance.  In the past, bus riders gathered in the gym for dismissal.  This is not how we will begin the school year.