• Dear Parents,


    Welcome to Kindergarten! I am so excited to begin what I hope will be a year of learning and fun for your child. Here is some information which might be helpful for a smooth start:


    1. During the first week of school, please have your child wear his/her name tag. Even after I have learned all the names, I will have the class wear their name tags to specials so those teachers can also get acquainted with everyone.
    2. Please pack a healthy, nut-free snack and a refillable water bottle for Kindergarten each day. Snack time is approximately 10-15 minutes.
    3. Please keep an extra set of clothes (including underwear) in your child’s book bag in a zip lock bag. You can let your child know these clothes are just in case of an accident and will only be opened if they are needed. As the seasons change, please make sure these clothes are appropriate for the weather and still fit your child.
    4. We will continue using our reading program this year, Wonders, and we will use it in correlation with the Wilson Reading Fundations Program.  We will also use Envision 2.0 as our math program.   I also cannot stress enough the importance of reading to your child every night.  Reinforcement and encouragement at home helps your child practice the skills and confidence that are learned within the classroom.
    5. Be sure to review all papers in your child’s take home folder each night. Be sure to complete and return any homework pages and remove any papers that can stay at home.
    6. If your child’s dismissal routine, please email me or send in a written note and also let the office know.
    7. Please label all of your child’s belongings with his/her first and last name.

    Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. My e-mail address is ronczka-casmay@voorhees.k12.nj.us. You can also send me a message through the Remind app. 

    Thank you for your support. I am looking forward to a successful year in Kindergarten!



    Amy Ronczka-Casmay