The ABC’s of Kindergarten
Always email me at smartk@voorhees.k12.nj.usConferences for all students will be held in December.Do read with your child every night.Educational Support is available.Field trip will be in the spring. More details to follow.Gather the important notes out of your child’s folder each night.Homework will be given each night if necessary, except on Fridays – no homework JInvitations to parties or play dates should not be sent to school. Please use our class information list.Juice (red) is not allowed in the classroom.Keep us informed about the changes in your child’s life.Laughter will be a part of your child’s day.Missed work will be sent home upon return.Notes for the teacher or anyone in the school should be placed on sticker side of your child’s folder.One small peanut free snack during snack time, we only have 10 minutes to eat.Parties - We will have a Halloween, Winter, Valentine’s Day, Spring, and End of Year party.Questions - Please email, call, or send a note.Rest – please make sure that your child gets plenty of rest to be alert and ready for learning each day.Sick or vacation notices should be sent into school. We will pass it along to the main office and nurse.Thank you for all that you do for your child!Use a permanent marker to label your child’s jackets, sweaters, sweatshirts, and other belongings that could be left in school.Volunteers will be needed for classroom parties and field trips. Stay tuned for further details.Weather – please dress your child appropriately as the temperature begins to change.Xtra work may be sent home with students to give extra reinforcement of skills learned in class.You must contact the office if you are unexpectedly picking up your child from school. They will get the information to us.Zippers – please practice zippers, buttons, and tying shoes at home.Looking forward to a great year in Kindergarten!
Ms. Smart