• Homework Policy:
    Homework is given Monday through Thursday, but occasionally a project or long-term assignment may need to be completed on a weekend.
    Homework is assigned to review skills and concepts that have been taught in class. Therefore, most students should be able to work independently and in a timely fashion. The student earns 100% if an assignment is turned in on time and demonstrates good effort. However, there are occasional GRADED homework assignments (typically test/quiz reviews).  Five points are deducted for each day if an assignment/project is late. When appropriate, students will complete late assignments during recess.
    If, for some reason, your child is having trouble or is taking longer than reasonable, it is important that you notify me. If your child is ill or a situation arises that interferes with completing homework, please jot a note or call so that I do not penalize your child. Part of the homework slot should be dedicated to practicing spelling words and studying for upcoming tests and quizzes. The time spent doing homework will be reflected in your child's increased confidence.