    Unit 1: Around the Neighborhood
    Lesson 1 - What Is a Pal? - Nouns
    Lesson 2 - The Storm - Possessives
    Lesson 3 - Curious George at School - Action Verbs
    Lesson 4 - Lucia's Neighborhood - Adjectives
    Lesson 5 - Gus Takes the Train - Adjectives
    Unit 2: Sharing Time
    Lesson 6 - Jack and the Wolf - Complete Sentences
    Lesson 7 - How Animals Communicate - Commas in a Series
    Lesson 8 - A Musical Day - Statements
    Lesson 9 - Dr. Seuss - Singular and Plural Nouns
    Lesson 10 - A Cupcake Party - Using a, an, and the 
    Unit 3: Nature Near and Far
    Lesson 11 - At Home in the Ocean - Proper Nouns
    Lesson 12 - How Leopard Got His Spots - Commands
    Lesson 13 - Seasons - Subjects and Verbs
    Lesson 14 - The Big Race - Verbs and Time
    Lesson 15 - Animal Groups - The Verb be
    Unit 4: Exploring Together
    Lesson 16- Let's Go to the Moon! - Questions
    Lesson 17 - The Big Trip - Compound Sentences
    Lesson 18 - Where Does Food Come From? - Names of Months, Days, Holidays
    Lesson 19 - Tomas Rivera - Future Tense
    Lesson 20 - Little Rabbit's Tale - Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases