• books  
                 Homework Information 

    Homework Policy:  Homework is used to help master the skills that we worked on in school.  It is extra practice that is needed to help students remember what was taught each day.   
    *All HW will be typed up in the Google Classroom in the Homework Information/Fun Stuff Class.  Tests and Quizzes will be typed up there too.  I will include study guides and studying tips too.  We will go over it together, but I want you to make sure you are checking it every day with your parents.
    *The students will usually have Math, Reading, & Spelling homework Monday through Thursday night.
    *The Spelling HW is a Tic Tac Toe Spelling Contract, and the kids can pick any 3 assignments. They will write it in their Spelling Contract Book. They will have about 6-7 days to complete the 3 assignments, and they should be studying the words each night too. 
    *They need to read every day and complete their Reading Contracts.
    *On Fridays, there will usually be no homework, but they may need to study for a quiz or test.  I will always give notice for a quiz or test, so you can study for it. 
    *They should have about 20-30 minutes of homework a night for all their subjects. If you have more a lot more, please let me know. Always let me know if you are having trouble with the homework.