• Meds

    Parents are encouraged to administer medication to children at home whenever possible as medication should be administered in school only when necessary for the health and safety of students.

    In the event that your child needs to take medication during school hours, these criteria must be met for the school nurse to administer medication:
    1. A signed, dated, and stamped order from the prescribing doctor stating:
      • name of the medication
      • dose (including mg/ml, if a liquid)
      • time to be administered
      • a start date and ending date
      • any side effects
      • Medication Administration Form  or a typed school medication physician form is acceptable 
    2. Parents must sign the medication administration form.
    3. All prescription medication must be in its original container and with a prescription label affixed. 
    4. Over the Counter Medications MUST be provided to the nurse in a new, unopened container or blister pack.  
    These laws and school board policy apply to ALL medications including prescription and over-the-counter medicines.
    ALL medication must be brought to the nurse's office by a parent.  Students can not bring in the medication.
    If your child needs an inhaler or Epipen/Benadryl, please also complete the following forms: 
    Asthma Action Plan for inhalers ONLY
    Please contact school nurse, Heather Karbach, if you have any further questions or concerns.  (856)767-4888 (ext 3161) or karbach@voorhees.k12.nj.us