Meet the art teacher:
Mrs. Magill

Degrees and Certifications:
Kresson Art Class
Hello parents, I am Mrs. Magill and I will be your child's art teacher. I have been teaching art in the Voorhees Township School District for the last thirteen years at the middle school level. I am excited about the change to Kresson and can not wait to explore art with this new age group. Kids this age are just so creative and fun! At home, I have three sons of my own, and they sure do keep me busy! Like most kids, they love art and are always asking, "What are you doing in art class today?" My sons enjoy experimenting with art materials and helping me create new, engaging projects for my classroom.
Vision, Mission, and Values:
It is my firm belief that art completes a well-rounded education. When students are creating art, they are building a foundation for perseverance, learning life skills, and learning to problem-solve every step of the way. In a modern world where technology is so prevalent, it is necessary to practice hands-on skills as much as possible. It is my mission to provide students with many opportunities to explore new art materials and to be successful when creating art. Instilling a sense of pride in craftsmanship is increasingly important today and will keep our students striving to achieve new goals in the future.
Your Child's Artwork:
One of my goals for my art students is to create meaningful experiences that foster a sense of pride and accomplishment. In art, we will display our work and look for positive feedback from others. Your child's artwork will be kept here for display throughout the year and sent home in a portfolio each June. There will be multiple opportunities during the school year to support your child's creative side. Be on the lookout for our annual art show and fundraising events!
Art Room Atire:
Please be aware that on art days, we will create art! Art is often messy and mistakes will happen. In the art room we will use washable materials as much as possible. I will also try my best to inform families when a particular project requires more mess than usual. This way, your child can come to school in an appropriate outfit. We will be collecting any unwanted adult-sized button-down shirts. These shirts will be used as smocks on messy days to help protect our clothes. Please feel free to send in your hand-me-down 'Dad Shirts' for a second life here in the art room.