
    Savvas- enVision Mathematics Common Core

    We use a great deal of hands-on activities during our math lessons. 

    Please review your child's papers daily.  The Kindergarten math skills that will be covered are the following:

    *identifying, comparing, printing, and counting 0-100

    *composing and decomposing of numbers 11-19

    *position/ordinal words

    *classification (by various attributes)

    *sorting and graphing

    *identifying, continuing and creating a pattern

    *skip counting by 2, 5, and 10

    *identifying equal parts of a shape/equal groups of   objects

    *solve joining and separating problems using   manipulatives

    *writing addition and subtraction sentences

    *solving word problems

    *measurement (length, height, capacity, and weight)

    *identifying and describing shapes (rectangles, squares, circles, triangles, hexagons)

    *analyzing, comparing, and composing shapes