• Water Testing Program in Our Schools

    2024-2025 Testing for Lead in School Drinking Water

    Effective July 1, 2021, the NJDOE required all drinking water outlets in every school district to be tested for lead every third school year beginning with the 2021-2022 school year and subsequently occurring in the 2024-2025 school year.  Previously, testing was conducted on a seven year cycle with our most recent testing occuring in 2017.  Results of our 2024-2025 testing and any remedial action is posted below.

    To comply with our “Road Back Plan”, all stand-alone individual drinking fountains have been turned off since September 2020. Voorhees Township Public Schools has systematically replaced several stand alone drinking fountains with filtered bottle filling stations. We will continue to expand our bottle filling capabilities, completely eliminating all individual drinking fountains.  

    Click HERE for the results of our 2024-2025 testing.

    Additional information on Testing for Lead Content in Drinking Water may be found on the EPA website.