• What is the Response to Intervention?

    The Response to Intervention Team is a building-based team of school staff committed to supporting students who are at risk in the general education program.

    The RTI Team assists school staff and parents by providing strategies and interventions to resolve the range of academic and behavioral problems in the school.

    When instructions do not lead to meaningful improvement, a Child Study Team referral could be considered.


    The Response to Intervention Process

    Students can be referred to the RTI Team by teachers, or by parents.  Parents are an integral part in this process, providing first-hand knowledge about your child.

    The classroom teacher will notify you when he/she refers your child to RTI.  You will then receive a letter from the RTI Coordinator with the date and time of the meeting.  Please participate in the meetings that will lead to planning your child's intervention goals.


    In Addition . . .

    The RTI Team's process will include a presentation of the concern, followed by intervention recommendations and a cumulative action plan for implementation.  Monitoring will take place to document progress toward individual student goals.

    If you have any questions regarding the RTI process, please contact the team member listed below.


    Team Coordinator:       Mrs. Amanda Dariano, Counselor

    Phone Number:           856-767-6749 ext. 1141

    Email:                        dariano@voorhees.k12.nj.us