• Frequently Asked Questions 
    How can I contact the teacher?
    The best way to contact me during school hours is via email (leonetti@voorhees.k12.nj.us). You can also call my phone (x 71118) and leave a message, call the office, or send in a note with your child.
    Please note that I cannot always immediately respond to emails or phone calls during the school day. If there is an emergency or you need to contact me urgently, please call the main office. 
    What do I do if my child is going home a different way?
    If your child has a change in his or her normal dismissal (For example, the child is normally a bus rider but will be going to car line one day) please contact me (email is best) or the main office prior to the end of the day. If you email me with a dismissal change and I have not responded with a confirmation by 1:00, assume I am absent or did not receive the message and call the main office. 
    Do we have snack in 5th grade?
    Yes!  I ask that you send foods that your child will be able to eat while working.  Please send foods that are easy to eat and don't require utensils.  In addition, we do have nut allergies in the class this year so our classroom will be NUT FREE.
    Can I send in a treat for my child's birthday?
    Unfortunately, this year we will not be able to celebrate student birthdays with treats.  But don't worry, we will find ways to have fun that don't involve food!  Feel free to send in a non-food item (pencils, erasers, squishies) instead!
    What is the policy for homework?
    Homework is a required part of the 5th grade curriculum. The homework assigned will reinforce skills taught in class. The suggested amount of time it should take your child to complete his or her homework is around 45 minutes per night. If your child is spending more than 45 minutes on homework on a consistent basis, please contact me so that we can discuss the issue.
    When will I receive my child's tests and quizzes?
    Graded assignments will usually be sent home once a week and I ask that you sign and return your child's test folder as soon as possible.  If you have any questions regarding your child's grades, please contact me.