How does a student qualify to receive speech therapy in the Voorhees Township School District?
In a school district, speech therapy is provided when speech and language difficulties have an educational impact on the student.
In the Voorhees Township School District, all Kindergarten students and incoming transfer students are screened routinely at the start of each school year.
It should be noted that in addition to the routine screenings completed, a parent or teacher can always contact the speech therapist at their student’s school to discuss or request a possible evaluation.
I’m concerned about my student’s speech and/or language, who do I contact?
At Signal Hill Elementary School, you can contact the following speech therapists:
Sophie Nykiel (K-5) (Monday-Friday) 856-767-6749 ext. 1142
Erin Toye (Autisim Support Classes) (Monday-Wednesday) 856-767-6749 ext. 1170
What can I do as a parent/guardian to help my student with his/her speech and/or language?
Practice, practice, practice! Practicing speech goals and targets at home is very important. It is important because repetition is the key to mastering any skill and practicing in a different environment (other than the speech room) promotes carryover. Meaning that in addition to learning new speech skills, students also need to learn to use and implement their newly learned speech skills from the therapy room and “carry it over” to the classroom, home, and their daily life. I will be sending homework home often. I understand that we live in a very busy world with crazy schedules, but 5 minutes a day makes a world of a difference for your students’ progress toward their speech goals.
My student does not have trouble with their speech but was still recommended for speech therapy in school. Why?
As a speech therapist, I work with students that have difficulty with SPEECH AND/OR LANGUAGE. Although therapy often targets the production of speech sounds or the reduction of stuttering, therapy is not limited to those things. Many times I work with students on comprehension of reading passages, memory, grammar, sequencing, social skills, voice, and much more!