Birthday Treats
Unfortunately, there will be no birthday treats in school this year. You may send in other birthday favors such as pencils.
Please obtain a list of supplies for fourth graders from the school website. Additional supplies are listed in the first day of school letter.
Book Order
I will send the Scholastic Book Club order forms home periodically throughout the year. Book club orders will be due on the date written on the order form. Payment for orders must be completed online. Follow the directions that will be sent home, including the Scholastic website and class code. Every time you place a book order, our class earns books for our classroom library and listening center.
Please call the school nurse to report your child's absence. I can send work home with a sibling, or you may leave me a message that you would like to pick the work up in the office after 3:00. If your child will be absent or away for any extended period of time, please inform me as soon as possible. I can then get school work together for your child ahead of time.
Schedule/Transportation Changes
Please write a note to let me know if your child will be going home with another parent. The parent of the other child will also need to write a note to let me know that they will be taking your child home. Please note: Your child may not go home on a different bus even with your permission.
The students will be given an agenda for the school year. The agenda must go home with your child every day and be brought back to school each morning. Homework is written in the agenda. Please check and sign your child's planner each night.