• Meet Mrs. Hertz

         Hello!  My name is Laura Hertz and I am thrilled to have the opportunity to learn, share, and grow with your child this year.  I have been a teacher at Signal Hill for the past 25 years.  I had the opportunity to teach 3rd grade for my first 2 years at Signal Hill, and I have taught 1st grade for the past 18 years.  I've enjoyed my experiences in both grades and share many fond memories with the staff, parents, and children. I am now Signal Hill's Library Media Specialist.
         I graduated from Sterling High School, and attended college at Trenton State College (now called The College of New Jersey).  My major was in Elementary Education and English.  I was thrilled upon graduation to quickly be hired in the Voorhees Township Schools. 
         I have seven precious children at home with my husband.  My daughter, Sierra, and step-son Tyler are both 19 and attend St. Joseph's University and West Virginia University.  My son, Jake, is 17 years old in 11th Grade at Eastern and my step-son, Cole, is 15 and a freshman at Eastern.  And my baby girl, Ava Emilia, is 12 and in 8th grade at VMS. We also have two precious twins that are 7 years old, Mattea and Matthew.  Our cat, Cannoli, is also a big part of our family!  We also just adopted a puppy named Mia Rian. I am certainly an animal lover!  I volunteer at the shelter, and work with Pet Smart to adopt homeless animals.  (And yes, all of my cats had very sad stories and I HAD to adopt them!)
        Hopefully you learned a little bit about me!  It is my hope that together we can successfully build the foundation that your child needs to learn and grow throughout his/her school career.  I'm here to instill a willingness in your child to try new things, and not be afraid of making mistakes.  The most important lesson at Signal Hill is not whether they are right or wrong, but that they give their best at everything they do!  Their attitudes toward learning start here and will grow throughout their school career.       
                           Let's work together to make their start in school a positive one!!