We Have an App - Find Voorhees Township PS in the App Store
The Voorhees Township Public Schools is excited to announce that we have a mobile app!
The Mobile app will provide you with calendars, news feeds, social-media feeds, lunch balances, menus, directories all at your fingertips!
Download Voorhees Township PS in the App Store
Please look for an instructional email:
- Parents and guardians listed as the primary contact for each student in Genesis will receive an email from your child’s school with log in credentials.
- After the app is downloaded and instructions were followed you are encouraged to change your password to your Genesis password.
***Anyone can download the mobile app, but only those with Genesis log in credentials can access student information.
Having trouble logging in?
1. Refer to the Blackboard email with your log-in credentials
2. If you have forgotten your password, use the "forgot password" link in the App, log-in information will be sent directly to you. Please note: the schools can not change or assist with passwords. This is not the same as your Genesis information.
3. If you need further assistance, contact Sue Donnelly at Donnelly@voorhees.k12.nj.us